The Y promotes a lifetime of healthy living and in recent years, the Y has introduced many new programs aimed at improving the health and well-being of older adults. The Y’s and Diabetes Self-Management program is geared toward helping individuals improve their day-to-day health, while our Fab 50 Program gives seniors an opportunity to participate in exciting activities while staying engaged in the community.
At the helm of these important programs at the C.W. Avery Family YMCA is Cindy Moss, Healthy Living and Senior Activities Coordinator. Moss has been connected to the Y for over a decade and continues to enjoy her time working with our members. You can get to know more about her from the Q&A below:
Q: Can you tell us a little about yourself?
Moss: I’ve been working for the Y for 13 years. I started out in aquatics teaching swim lessons and things progressed from there. I started teaching the medically based classes and ultimately became the Healthy Living and Senior Activities Coordinator. I love it. I work with seniors and it’s one of my favorite things to do. I love the camaraderie of the Fab 50 program.
Q: What are the most rewarding things about your job?
Moss: I love what our programs bring out in people. It’s incredible when you can see someone who is struggling with their health reach out and make the effort to change. When you see their positive outcomes it makes everything we do worth it.
Q: How do you view your role in the program?
Moss: I definitely see myself as a facilitator. I’m the helping hand to guide someone and be there as a supportive friend when people need one. Especially with seniors, they might not have a lot of outside support. When they are here, they are like family. They rally around each other.
Q: What are some of the moments during your time with the Y that stand out?
Moss: We had an individual graduate from our Take Charge of Your Diabetes program and she said if it wasn’t for the program she would still be taking medications, feeling sick and be unable to do as much as she has. She’s now taking more fitness classes and can actually go on vacations.
We also have a program where the seniors interact with our Pint-Size Pupils. Our Fab 50 group will come in and read to the kids, and then the kids will sing and do performances for the seniors. One of our members, Leon, is 95 years old and loves coming in every day.
Q: What do you like to do outside of the Y?
Moss: I love to spend time with my husband and daughter. I enjoy FaceTiming with my son, he’s in the Marine Corps. I also love my dog. My husband and I enjoy going on walks with her.
If you have any questions about the healthy living or senior programs offered at the Y, you can contact Cindy at (815) 267-8600, ext. 214 or